Should I Teach English Abroad? Reasons You Should

Should I Teach English Abroad? Reasons You Should

There are a few factors to consider before deciding whether teaching English abroad is the best option for you.

Teaching English abroad is a mixed bag; it has its ups and its downs, and the more you know about them, the better you’ll be able to answer the question, “is teaching Is it a good idea to study English abroad?” for yourself. So let’s start with the good stuff.

Why Teach English Abroad?

An opportunity to travel the world and gain a unique perspective on other cultures is teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) abroad.

You’ll gain experience, get to know a new culture, make friends who will stick with you for life, and make a difference in the lives of your students by working while living abroad.

Should I Teach English Abroad?

Now let’s dive into the 5 main reasons why you should consider teaching English overseas:

TEFL is a Growing Industry With a Lot of Opportunities for English Teachers

Worldwide, there are about 2 billion users and learners of English, according to the British Council. The goal of learning English is to increase one’s opportunities for employment and higher education. You can influence students’ lives and aid in the accomplishment of their objectives as an English teacher.

In the majority of nations, there is a much greater demand for English language instruction than there are qualified English teachers, particularly native speakers.

With an accredited TEFL certification, native or fluent teachers can realistically gain employment teaching English in up to 80 countries abroad, even without a college degree or prior teaching experience.

Additionally, there are countless opportunities for teaching English online, one of the international education industry’s fastest-growing sectors, especially after COVID-19, which made virtual education a requirement all over the world.

Teaching English Abroad Will Give You Valuable International Work Experience to Build Your Resume

I debated taking a job right out of college out of concern that no other offers would come my way just before deciding to teach English in Argentina. Well, let me just say that I’m so glad I didn’t let that fear stop me from embarking on this incredible life adventure. There will always be professional jobs.

Once you return, they will still be here. In fact, once I made the decision to work for a company, I felt much more marketable as an employee because I could list both my experience as a teacher and, more importantly, my global travels on my resume.

Teaching English overseas will improve your resume and your abilities in areas like group management, communications, and organizational skills, even if you decide against pursuing education as a long-term career.

You will prove to future employers your ability to adapt to a new environment, work across cultural & linguistic barriers, and stretch yourself beyond your “comfort zone.” Additionally, you’ll have a wonderful chance to expand your language skills.

Teaching English Abroad Will Improve Your Chances for Enrollment in Elite Graduate School Programs

If you’re considering entering a graduate school program, bear in mind that most admissions officers at top professional schools say that “real-world experience” outside of the classroom enhances an applicant’s chances of being accepted.

Again, international experience is especially valued as it proves your ability to adapt, take on new challenges outside of your comfort zone, and prove you have initiative.

Should I Teach English Abroad? Reasons You Should

From a financial perspective, some of our teachers even teach English abroad – particularly in regions like Asia & the Middle East – so they can save for their Master’s degree. Many universities now even offer the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree online, giving you the chance to fulfill your educational aspirations while traveling and getting paid to teach English abroad.

Teaching English Abroad is a Great Way to Spend a Gap Year

Taking a “gap year” between academic college years or between degrees to explore new endeavors has become increasingly popular in recent years and teaching A wide range of volunteer and paid opportunities are available in English.

You Can Earn Good Money and Pay Down Student Loans While Teaching English Abroad

There’s a good chance that you have student debt if you’re in college or have a college degree. Because many of your basic living expenses (housing, flights, and bills) are covered in nations like South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, or China, teachers can save anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 per month. This offers you the chance to reduce your student loan debt while also saving money.

When is Teaching English Abroad a Good Idea?

Teaching English abroad can seem absolutely necessary at times, and there are many occasions when it makes perfect sense. Here are a few examples of when teaching English abroad is truly a fantastic idea:

  • You recently graduated from college, and you don’t know what comes next.
  • You’re just out of college and you know this is what’s next.
  • You need a pace change at this point in your career.


Therefore, we have dispelled some of the uncertainty and misunderstanding regarding whether you should teach English abroad if you are fresh out of school and have no idea, if you are fresh out of school and eager to start teaching, or if you simply need a career break. Now consider whether teaching English abroad is a wise decision for you.

So, here are five justifications for you to think about doing so! While I hope you find them inspiring, I also want to point out that you should consider asking yourself one more question: Why do you want to instruct English overseas?


Is It Difficult to Teach English Abroad?

The first few weeks of teaching abroad will be the hardest because you’ll be thrown into the class syllabi pretty much head first, in addition to getting to know a ton of students and learning the layout of the school.

Is Teaching English Abroad in Demand?

There are over 1 billion people learning English as a second language worldwide, so the demand for English teachers is high. Understanding where you meet the requirements is important because every country is different.

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