“Eye Of The Earth”-Croatia: A Complete Guide

eye of the earth croatia

Croatia is a country full of incredible natural wonders to explore, from the Adriatic Sea to the Dinara Mountains. The little-known Cetina River Spring, now more popularly known as the Eye of the Earth, is one of the most distinctive. It is unquestionably one of the unique and fascinating sights in the area when viewed from above. If you are interested in the Eye of the Earth, please read on for more information.

Eye Of The Earth-Croatia

The longest river in Dalmatia, Cetina, originates from this crystal-clear spring that has a bluish-green hue. The 65-mile Eye of the Earth river, which is well-known in Croatia, empties into the Adriatic.

The foot of Dinara, Croatia’s tallest mountain, is where this lovely river with clear water flows.

The water source known as the “Eye of The Earth Croatia” looks like a giant eye so it is known as the “eye of the earth”. There is a hidden water source here that continuously spews water. This huge hole has a depth of 115 meters, and it is unknown where the water came from. All onlookers are silent and in awe at the beauty that this nature displays. It is a remarkable creation made by the Creator, Allah Rabbul Jalal.

Source location Milosevo, close to a tiny village in Cetina, is where Eye of the Earth Croatia is situated. You can get there by a path that leads to an orthodox church, and at the bottom, you have to walk down the slope and find the eye of the earth or “Eye of The Earth Croatia”.

The recreational area here is really lovely. Make sure you can swim well before taking a bath in the water source. The depth of the water in this area of the water source is extremely deep, and it serves as the source of a river that flows continuously.

To dive to the bottom, you need equipment, which can only be operated by a trained professional. Not to mention the increasing water pressure at the bottom, so we should pause before performing any diving tasks.

The Origin Of The ‘eye Of The Earth’

The origin of the ‘Eye of the Earth’ is several kilometers away, in the bowels of Mount Dinara (1,831 m), which gives its name to the Dinaric Alps, one of the main limestone mountain ranges in Europe, which is already a key indicator.

Over the centuries, the gorges carved out by the force of water have been used to open up vertiginous paths, railway lines, and roads in a region with a fairly compact relief, making communications difficult.

Carbonate rocks (mainly calcareous and dolomite) dissolve easily if rainwater incorporates carbonic acid before attacking them, giving rise to karst landscapes, which manifest themselves in various forms, with caves, canyons, dolines, and upwellings being some of the most spectacular examples.

Cetina Spring Water Temperature

Even though we haven’t taken a reading, the water is extremely cold here. Approximately 4 to 8 C, or 39 to 46 F, is the water’s temperature in this area. It is therefore very cold this spring. Here, taking a shower is similar to taking an ice bath.

Depth Of The Eye Of The Earth

Contrary to what we have said thus far, a source claims that the eye of the earth is actually 155 meters or 508 feet deep. This is based on information from the Croatian nature agency, which has long been in charge of the area. Therefore, it can be said that Cetina River Spring is about 155 meters deep.

Glavas springs are another name for the earth’s eye in Croatia. The water supply from this spring is the purest and largest. The highest mountain in Croatia, Mount Dinara, is where this guavas spring is located, according to the Croatian National.

The earth’s eye is a location where water emerges and is shaped like a small lake with crystal-clear water. Due to the water’s blue and papyrus-colored hue, it has an eye-like shape. This is a source of water that continuously and ceaselessly spews water into a river known as the Cetina river.

This glassy water’s clarity causes a blue reflection from the sky, giving it the appearance of a gorgeous giant eye. The blue gets darker the deeper you go, which is both frightening and breathtaking. Sometimes it makes your hair stand on end. Later, The Eye of the Earth was given to this marvel and beauty.

eye of the earth croatia

As reported by the BBC, the Cetina River, which rises from the Glavas springs, has crystal-clear water and flows serenely between breathtaking canyons. Quoted from kompas.com that the Cetina River, one of Europe’s cleanest springs, serves as the country’s most reliable source of drinking water.

The lovely Cetina River flows for 101 km through canyons along the mountain, receiving its water from The Eye of the Earth. The canyon contains hills that can reach a height of 200 meters. A popular activity there is rafting, which can be done in this area of swift water.

How To Get To Croatia’s Cetina River Spring?

Unfortunately, none of the well-known tourist destinations along the Dalmatian Coast currently offer tours that go to Cetina. This means that if you want to travel to this incredible natural attraction, you must drive yourself.

Fortunately, renting a car in Croatia is very affordable, especially if you use rental comparison websites like DiscoverCars. Using this, we were able to rent a car for a week for less than 40 euros per day.

Once you’ve got your set of wheels, enter “Cetina River Spring” or “Izvor Cetine” into your navigation app and you’ll find it easily along Highway 1.

Following a narrow road, you’ll eventually arrive in the small village of Cetina once you take the right turn exit at Restaurant Ivan. You’ll soon come across a small parking area and viewing area next to the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Salvation.

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