Be A Traveler Not A Tourist: 21 Tips

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What kind of traveler or tourist are you? Which of the two words is different? The authoritative book describes a traveler as “one who embarks on a trip or journey” and a tourist as “one who makes a tour for pleasure or culture.” There isn’t really much of a difference between the two. We list 21 tips for you to be a traveler, not a tourist.

21 Tips To Being A Traveller, Not A Tourist


Recognize that the nation you are visiting serves as someone’s residence. It’s always a smart idea to be aware of the cultures and traditions of the place you’re going to.

Get Lost

It’s nice to occasionally just meander through a new city’s streets in search of your own personal treasures.

Take Public Transport

Traveling by public transportation is not only affordable (and in some countries, bloody scary), but it’s also a great way to experience a city like a local.

Learn A Few Key Phrases

It’s not necessary to master the new language at a native level. But knowing a few essential phrases will greatly assist you and ensure that you are well-liked by the locals.

Be Impulsive

It’s great to have a destination at the end of your journey, but be flexible in how you get there.

Support Local Stores And Businesses

Have you ever traveled a long distance by bus in a foreign country only to discover that the driver will make a stop at a specific restaurant? If so, have you ever noticed how everybody on the bus will tender to rush into the same restaurants like a herd of sheep?

Try to spot some nearby cafes or food trucks that aren’t likely to attract the daily herd of tourists when you first open your eyes. Although it’s just a little, your company might be able to assist the smaller local businesses.

Keep in mind that markets often have numerous stalls selling goods produced locally as well.

Be A Traveler Not A Tourist

Respect The Locals

Through a local’s eyes, you can have some of the most memorable experiences.

Have An Open Mind

Get ready for the unfamiliar. This involves developing new friendships with tourists from various backgrounds and exposing your senses to the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and odors of a foreign land.

Ask Before Photographing Anyone

Many cultures do not like having their pictures were taken (some for spiritual or religious reasons). Imagine being pointed at by a group of incoming tourists who were eagerly trying to take a close-up picture of the “locals” as you were walking down the same street you walk down every morning on your way to the same job you attend every day.”

Try The Food

Every culture is represented through its food. Try the local specialties, as we advise you to do.

Try A Voluntary Home Stay

These are an excellent way to interact with the locals and give back to the neighborhood!

Dress Appropriately
While some nations have a more relaxed dress code than others, some do. For instance, in Florida and many other parts of the United States, we don’t bat an eye when we see someone wearing a bikini and flip-flops.

But in other cultures, even exposing your collarbone is seen as being too provocative. In some nations, the dress code is taken so seriously that there are laws governing what is appropriate and what is not.

Don’t Be Afraid To Travel Alone

One of the scariest and most rewarding experiences of your life can be traveling alone.

Prepare For The Fact That “Nothing Is Perfect”

So you had this mental picture of Australia as a sunny, tropical paradise! Traveling does not always go as planned, just like daily life, so be prepared for the unexpected—rain, lost tickets, missed buses, etc.! Breathe, smile, and relax, don’t forget!

Be Spontaneous
The schedule of a traveler is flexible. There are only general notions of the trip in the mind, with little or no attachment to them.

Head Off The Beaten Track

You don’t always have to take the same path as everyone else. Finding an unexpectedly beautiful place can sometimes be the most amazing part of backpacking.

Be Mindful Of Where And When You Take Pictures
Everyone is eager to share their experiences with the world thanks to the wide variety of technology and social media platforms available today.

While this is by no means a negative thing, occasionally we forget that other people are also trying to enjoy a new experience because we are so focused on getting “likes” and “followers” on social media.

Stay In A Hostel Or Inexpensive Guesthouse
If you spend the money on a five-star hotel, you’ll probably want to spend more time inside than outside taking in the sights.

Stay Longer

Longer stays in a city will give you a more authentic local experience, though short stays can be refreshing. Your most recent weekend getaway comes to mind: you probably had a few things you wanted to check off the list, didn’t get much of a chance to explore without a schedule, and likely left without a very deep understanding of the place.

You’ll have the chance to discover, discover, and develop a deeper appreciation if you stay for at least a month.

Take Your Time

The pace of a traveler’s immersion in a place is usually slower. This is not to say that you can’t prioritize seeing a few major attractions; just don’t try to see everything. Choose the attractions that most interest you, and make plans to visit a few of those during your stay. Don’t schedule yourself if you can avoid it.

This gives you more time to explore Chicago’s architecture rather than having to fight your way through the crowd at the Bean. Or to skip Navy Pier and spend the afternoon people-watching in your neighborhood.

Meet New People

The people are one constant in any city. Locals can be a huge help whether you’re traveling alone or not, and conversing with them is a great way to get a feel for the culture of a city.

You may recall that we said earlier to push yourself. It’s time to make friends, talk to your neighbors, stop people who are walking by, or go to a bar to make new ones. By doing so, you can learn from those who are most familiar with the area.


Try your best to be a traveler rather than a tourist from now on. Remember the tips above and use it when you are traveling!

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